They’re back! Responding to 2019 no-match letters
In March 2019, the Social Security Administration (SSA) began mailing educational correspondence (EDCOR)—also known as employer correction request (ECR) notices and formerly known as “no-match letters”—to employers that filed W-2 forms for 2018 containing at least one mismatched name and Social Security number (SSN). You should not ignore the notices. You must ensure you’re complying with your obligations to resolve the errors. Failure to comply could result in an I-9 audit by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and/or penalties from the IRS. To avoid noncompliance, you should act quickly.
For more information on no-match letters and how we can help your business, please contact the experienced immigration attorneys at Monty & Ramirez LLP at 281-493-5529 or via email at