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13 Jun 2021 | by devteam

Privacy on social media? Texas hospital says no after ‘anti-vax’ nurse leaks measles diagnosis

With the advent of social media, a significant number of people have lost their jobs. From Roseanne Barr to James Gunn, the list of people with online mishaps runs long and deep. A few weeks ago, a Texas Children’s Hospital nurse joined the roster after she allegedly shared a Facebook post about a young patient who may have contracted measles while overseas.

The self-described “pediatric ICU/ER” nurse uploaded a post onto a Facebook page titled “Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children—Texas.” She shared insights about her “rough” experience seeing the child with measles for the first time and described “how much worse (measles) was than what I expected.” Despite that incident, she allegedly added that she planned to continue “my non-vax journey with no regrets.” In a subsequent post—which has since been deleted—the nurse sought to retract some of her statements. It came too late to save her job, however, as the hospital promptly fired her, citing breach of private health information.

Read Full Article Here.


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