National Restaurant Association Show 2012 – Avoid Being ICE’d: Immigration and I-9 Compliance
I was honored to be a speaker at the National Restaurant Association (“NRA”) Show 2012 this weekend (5/5/2012) in Chicago. I had the opportunity to present to restaurateurs from throughout the nation during one of the NRA’s educational seminars. My seminar focused on how Immigration Customs and Enforcement (“ICE”) continues to investigate employers and conduct I-9 audits and raids to ensure companies (and owners) are complying with applicable immigration and I-9 requirements. Additionally, the seminar illustrated how fines can reach into the hundreds of thousands of dollars and criminal penalties can be imposed on owners and managers who knowingly hire undocumented workers.
In short, the presentation focused on providing employers in the hospitality industry with the necessary information and tools to keep their restaurants from being “ICE’d” by the government. Here is a link to an online article from Nation’s Restaurant News relating to my NRA education seminar:
Always remember, if your or your company needs any assistance with an ICE government investigation or any I-9 or Immigration Compliance issues, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.
Daniel N. Ramirez is a named partner at Monty & Ramirez LLP. He is also board certified in labor and employment law by the Texas Board of Specialization and has been recognized as a Rising Star by Super Lawyers magazine.
Daniel’s Contact Information:
Telephone: 281.493.5529