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13 Jun 2021 | by devteam

Municipal paid sick leave laws hit bump in road, could be short-lived in Texas

On August 16, 2018, San Antonio became the second Texas city to enact a municipal paid sick leave law. While advocates applauded the city council’s decision to pass the law, numerous state lawmakers and the state attorney general (AG) immediately drew their swords against the mandate. But opposition to San Antonio’s ordinance came as no surprise. Earlier this year, Austin met similar opposition when it was the first Texas city to pass a paid sick leave ordinance. Now caught in a legal battle that could ultimately render the measure invalid, Austin’s ordinance faces an uncertain fate. Legal experts opine that if the court challenge turns out to be successful, San Antonio’s ordinance won’t be sticking around very long either.

After Austin approved its paid sick leave ordinance in February, various representatives from the state legislature spoke up to express their disapproval. Opponents said the ordinance would negatively affect small business owners by placing them at a competitive disadvantage. Nearly two months after the ordinance passed, the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) filed suit against Austin and its mayor and city manager.

Read the full article here.


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